Red Penis — Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Red Penis — Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

A red penis that is sore, itchy, or inflamed can be a sign of an underlying health problem. This article describes some common conditions that are characterized by red penile skin, as well as tips to promote healing.

Man1® Man Oil®
The first line of defense against penile skin dryness, itching, redness, and loss of sensitivity.

Causes of Red Penis Skin
Balanitis is an inflammation of the penis head and the foreskin that mainly affects uncircumcised men. It typically develops when dead skin cells and body oils form a pasty buildup under the foreskin. This substance, known as smegma, creates a haven for bacteria that attack the sensitive tissue, leading to redness, swelling, pain, skin that feels warm or hot to the touch, peeling, and/or a whitish, pasty discharge.

Recommended treatment:

See a doctor, especially if it is first time you have these symptoms. A quick exam can rule out any other conditions, such as yeast infection. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics to clear up any bacterial infection, and a steroid crème may be used for swelling.
Use a gentle cleanser to wash the area thoroughly at least once a day. Any buildup of smegma should be removed.
Apply a cool compress to relieve the pain and swelling of the red penis skin. Never apply ice or frozen gel packs directly to the penile skin.
Abstain from sexual activity and masturbation until the symptoms disappear.
Jock Itch
This condition is caused by a fungus known as Tinea cruris, which also causes athlete’s foot. Jock itch occurs in warm, moist areas of the body, such as the groin. It typically appears red, spreading rash with a distinctive, bumpy outline, and it may be extremely itchy.

Recommended treatment:

Use an over-the-counter anti-fungal crème designed for athlete’s foot or jock itch to clear up the infection.
Avoid sharing clothing, towels, razors, or other personal items, as these can easily spread the infection from one person to another.
Wear breathable cotton underwear or boxers to allow air to circulate more freely and keep the area dry.
Use a penis-friendly moisturizer with natural emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E, which can soothe itchy, dry skin and support healing.
Latex Allergy
Men who are allergic to latex may experience burning, itching, and redness after using latex condoms. In severe cases, respiratory symptoms may also appear.

Recommended treatment:

Discontinue the use of latex products immediately because symptoms can worsen on repeated exposure.
Use non-latex condoms – polyurethane is generally a safe option.
Get immediate medical attention for any respiratory symptoms.
Use a penis-friendly moisturizing crème to relieve irritated skin.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Many sexually transmitted diseases can cause rash, blisters, and reddened shiny or flaky penile skin. These may include chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, genital warts, and syphilis.

Sexually active men should be tested for STIs every 6 months. Their partners should be tested regularly, as well.

Recommended treatment:

Anyone who suspects they may have an STI should avoid all sexual contact and see a doctor right away. Many STIs can be cured if they are caught early on, using antibiotics or other medications. Other conditions, such as genital herpes, are not curable and require ongoing treatment.
A moisturizing penis crème such as Man1 Man Oil may be used to relieve dry, itchy, flaky skin caused by some STIs. However, men with herpes should NOT use Man1 or other crèmes containing L arginine, as this can trigger or increase the severity of a breakout.
Penile cancer is sporadic, but all men should be aware of the symptoms and perform regular self-exams. Cancer may present as red or blue-brown lumps or growths on the penis.

Recommended treatment:

See a doctor for any unusual growths, spots, or lesions. Early detection means better chances for a complete cure.
Often, a red penis is simply the result of prolonged or aggressive sexual activity, which can cause chafing and soreness. In most cases, the symptoms will fade within 2-24 hours.

Recommended treatment:

Abstain from all sexual activity, including masturbation, until the symptoms disappear.
Apply a cool compress to the area — a wet washcloth works well. But never use ice or frozen gel packs directly on the skin!
Use a personal lubricant for both partner sex and solo play to reduce the risk of recurrence.
Use a penis health crème daily to speed healing and reduce discoloration.

An Attractive Penis Can Make You Feel Good About Yourself

An Attractive Penis Can Make You Feel Good About Yourself

Common wisdom has it that inner beauty that really matters, not outer attractiveness. But in our appearance-obsessed society, people who believe they do not meet the current beauty standards often suffer from low self-esteem. They may isolate themselves socially, and they may develop symptoms such as anxiety and depression. This is more often seen as a women’s issue, but men can be equally impacted. In truth, a guy’s perception of himself can be deeply connected to his physical attributes, from his fitness level to his hairstyle, too — yes — having an attractive penis.

Man1® Man Oil®
The first line of defense against penile skin dryness, itching, redness, and loss of sensitivity.

Why the Appearance of the Penis Really Does Matter
For a man who doesn’t feel good about the appearance of his penis, letting it all hang out in the bedroom, especially with a new partner, can be an anxiety-ridden experience. Will they be turned on by his package, or will they run screaming for the exit when the big reveal happens? These thoughts can cause self-consciousness and doubt, which may, in turn, affect his bedroom performance.

On the other hand, the man who believes his penis looks good is much more likely to feel confident, an attitude that will make him more attractive to his partner and contribute to a commanding performance between the sheets.

So How to Get an Attractive Penis?
The good news is that, with regular care, any man can enhance the appearance of his organ. By following a careful personal care regimen, a man can ensure that his package is smooth, touchable, responsive, and can provide both him and his partner with a pleasurable experience.

So what to do to get a more attractive penis? Start by following these four simple steps:

Wash the area every day. This is a no-brainer in terms of keeping it clean and fresh-smelling, but hygiene is also important in terms of avoiding foul odors, as well as rashes, peeling, and a generally unhealthy appearance.
Manscape. Not all men are into the hairless look, but manscaping doesn’t need to be drastic. Even a trim with scissors can remove clumps of hair that look untidy, not to mention trapping body fluids and other substances that can make a partner reluctant to venture closer. As a bonus, a groomed appearance can actually make the penis look bigger.
Select clothing with care. During sports, guys should opt for supportive garments that protect the area and guard against chafing. A chafed penis can appear raw and unattractive, not to mention causing pain during intimate activities.
Use a specialized penis health crème. Look for a vitamin-rich formula containing vitamin E, which smooths the skin and creates a natural moisture barrier. This natural emollient helps to protect against chafing and dry rubbing. Vitamin A is another vital component to help heal blemishes, as well as fight off odor-causing bacteria. A quality product, applied daily after a bath or a shower, can create a more youthful appearance and enhance the sensitivity of the penile skin.

Diminishing Penile Sensitivity and How to Prevent It

Diminishing Penile Sensitivity and How to Prevent It

Man1® Man Oil®
The first line of defense against penile skin dryness, itching, redness, and loss of sensitivity.

Most men experience diminished penile sensitivity over time. Often, this is due to the abuse that the skin of the penis encounters daily. For instance, continual rubbing against clothing, frequent sexual activity, or even the pressure of sitting for long periods of time may cause the skin to become “toughened” or “desensitized” through a process known as keratinization.

How to Prevent or Reverse Reduced Penile Sensitivity
Fortunately, there are steps men can take to avoid loss of penile sensitivity. In many cases, the lost sensation can also be restored. Trying these steps can help bring the good feelings back:

Experiment: Doing the same old thing every time can desensitize the neural pathways, reducing the ability to experience a pleasure. Instead of masturbating or engaging in sex, in the same way, every time, why not try something different? Gently stroking or using feathers or soft fabrics can help make the skin more reactive to a light touch.
Tantalize the Senses: Rather than going straight for your penis when masturbating, touch yourself in other places first. Alternatively, have your partner run his or her hands gently over your body without touching your penis.
Wear Softer Underwear: Changing the type of underwear you wear allows your penis skin to breathe better and decreases the friction that your penis endures. Try wearing silk or another form of soft underwear for a month or two and see if this makes a difference.
Use a Moisturizer: Often, the biggest reason for skin desensitizing on the body is dryness, creating a rough, calloused barrier. Restoring moisture can promote healing and produce softer, more sensitive skin. The best way to do this is to apply a penis-friendly moisturizing product that is safe for delicate skin and rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
Following these steps can help men turn back the hands of time on overused skin, leading to improved bedroom performance and increased self-confidence. However, loss of sensation following an injury or accompanied by tingling or pain may be more serious. In these cases, it is always best to see a trained medical professional for treatment.

Penis Size — Women’s Thoughts

Penis Size — Women’s Thoughts

Since the dawn of history, men have been prone to judge their manliness — and that of their peers — on the size of their family jewels. All else being equal, a man with a hefty tool may be seen as more virile and a better sexual partner than his compatriots of more modest penis size. Yet, while popular wisdom has it that a nine-inch member is an ideal for aspiring to, numerous studies have been shown that the average man falls far short of this mark.

Man1® Man Oil®
The first line of defense against penile skin dryness, itching, redness, and loss of sensitivity.

In fact, research conducted in the late 1990s and early 2000s found that the flaccid penis of men, on average, is a mere 3.5 inches in length, and an erect penis is typically 5-6 inches, with a circumference of 4-5 inches when fully erect.

The Facts About What Women Think
Ignoring the male obsession with size for a moment, as well as the research data, what do women really think? Is the length and girth of a member a deciding factor in whether she decides to engage with him? Or is it all in his head? The following five research-based facts shed some light on this issue.

Most women prefer a wider penis to a longer tool. This is attributed to the fact that, before childbirth, the female vagina is typically between 3 to 4 inches in length, and most of the nerve endings of a vagina are contained within the first 3 inches. With this in mind, a man who falls in the small-to-average is more than adequate to stimulate his female partner.

Women predominately think a penis that is 4 to 6 inches in length is ideal in size.

Most women prefer a penis that is easily held when erect, and they think that a penis of more than 5.5 inches in circumference is getting too large. On the other hand, one under 4 inches in girth was a bit too small.

Most women confessed that they had trouble determining the size of a penis visually. In fact, on most occasions, the women on one research team thought the penises were actually larger than they were measured.

If a man is of normal dimensions, it seems that he has nothing to worry about. While a few women have an obsession with penis size, they are in the vast minority. Rather, most women indicate that they prefer a member that appears healthy. A penis with smooth, unblemished skin and a youthful appearance is more likely to appeal to any partner, regardless of its length or girth.

Penis Specific Vitamins and Minerals for Penis Health

Penis Specific Vitamins and Minerals for Penis Health

For the average guy, the notion of specific “penis vitamins” may seem like a gimmick. After all, shouldn’t the penis get all of the nourishment it requires from our daily diets? To an extent, yes. But unfortunately, few people get all of the nutrients they need from the diet alone.

Because of this, augmenting the personal care routine with specific penis nutrients can have surprising benefits. Below, we explore some of these ingredients and how they can impact the health of manhood.

The “ABCs” of Penis Health and Function
Vitamin A
Also known as retinol, this vitamin has the ability to reduce the signs of blemishes and wrinkles on the skin. As such, it is frequently found in skin-smoothing and anti-aging products. Additionally, it is a natural antibacterial agent. Compounds containing vitamin A can help to eliminate odor-causing bacteria that naturally accumulate in the genital area.

Vitamin B5
This vitamin has a wide array of penile health properties. As Dr. Vinod Raina enumerates, this nutrient benefits the penis in terms of:

Healthy blood and combat high blood pressure, thereby contributing to better erectile function;
Higher energy levels and a healthy sex drive;
Testosterone production, which is important for both erectile function and fertility;
Stress reduction, leading to greater sexual enjoyment.
Additionally, researchers believe B5 helps hydrate the skin through its unique ability to pull moisture from the air into the outer dermal layer. This can help to prevent unattractive dryness and protect the skin from cracking.

Vitamin C
Like vitamin B5, vitamin C impacts penis health in a variety of ways. For instance, it is a key component in collagen, which is important for maintaining the skin’s elasticity. It also contributes to the healthy erectile tissue and keeps the blood vessels strong and functioning properly. Furthermore, vitamin C has been linked to healthy sperm production.

Vitamin D
Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to erectile dysfunction. According to researcher Alessandra Barrasi, MD, vitamin D deficiencies contribute to the production of free radicals. These molecules deplete the body’s supply of nitrous oxide, which is necessary for allowing erections to form. With this in mind, supplementing with vitamin D may contribute to erectile function.

Vitamin E
As with vitamins B5 and C, vitamin E has been linked to healthy circulation, a robust sex drive, and optimum erectile function. Additionally, when used as an ingredient in moisturizing cremes or lotions, this nutrient creates a natural moisture barrier that helps keep the penile skin smooth, wrinkle-free, and pleasant to the touch.

Other Nutrients that Play a Role in Penile Health
Aside from the essential penis vitamins listed above, the following nutrients have been proven to contribute to penile health and function:

Acetyl L Carnitine
This amino acid, which occurs naturally in the body, plays an important role in metabolic function. As a supplement, it has energy-boosting properties, making it popular with athletes and weight lifters.

Aside from its metabolic benefits, acetyl L carnitine is a powerful neuroprotective agent. Concerning penis health, carnitine can help prevent the destruction of nerve tissue due to daily wear and tear. Loss of nerve tissue can result in low penile sensation levels. In fact, many men report that cremes containing acetyl L carnitine help restore sensitivity in the penis after years of rough handling.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant that can help protect the body from oxidative damage that breaks down cells and limits their ability to function. It also works with L-arginine to produce nitric oxide in the body. This molecule is a vital component in forming and maintaining erections.

L-arginine is an enzyme that occurs naturally in the body. In tandem with alpha-lipoic acid and other compounds, this nutrient contributes to the production of nitric oxide. This chemical benefits penis health by enabling the blood vessels to expand, allowing erections to form.

How to Integrate These Nutrients into a Penile Care Regimen
The nutrients above generally occur naturally in the body and are part of a healthy diet. On the other hand, they are necessary for many of our bodies' functions, and not all men consume them at sufficient levels to fully benefit from their penile health features.

With this in mind, applying a creme containing a combination of these penis vitamins and amino acids can be an effective way to take advantage of their healing and protective qualities. Daily use of a penis-friendly creme or lotion is ideal, as the nutrients absorb directly into the penile skin for maximum efficacy.

Improve Penis Health Naturally with Shea Butter

Improve Penis Health Naturally with Shea Butter

Increasingly, men are becoming  aware of the importance of daily care to protect their penis health. Maintaining healthy penile tissue is important for:

  • Self-confidence;
  • Better sexual enjoyment;
  • Early detection of problems;
  • Overall personal wellness.

Because of this, men are often on the lookout for products that can enhance the condition of their members. The problem is that too many individuals will jump from one product to another to find one that works. They will often try out the latest ‘hot’ thing on the market, only to find that it doesn’t have the expected benefits. To avoid disappointment, turning to a proven product such as Shea butter can be a better choice.

What is Shea Butter?

Shea butter has taken the skincare world by storm, and for excellent reason. Derived from the African Shea tree nut, Shea butter is a powerful emollient with anti-inflammatory properties. Just a tiny dab of Shea butter on the skin leads to a luxurious feeling of moisture, as the smooth butter seeps under the skin to lock in hydration.

It’s found in a huge variety of products designed for the most sensitive areas of the body. Shea butter is often used as a base for lotions, lip balms, salves, facial moisturizers, and much more. Shea butter is safe to use for almost everyone on the planet. Shea butter is nature’s gift to those who need a little help for smooth, supple skin.

Shea butter does more than moisturize. It also has healing properties that can help a man improve penis health, addressing problems like itching, redness, irritation, and more. A man who suffers from a bit of penis neglect will be happy to know that he will start to see results from its healing properties after only a few days of application.

What Can Shea Butter Do for the Penis?

The advantages of Shea butter when it comes to skincare are almost endless. But here are a few specific benefits related to improving penis health:

Dry skin relief. Men often suffer from dry skin, especially during the harsh winter months. Dryness can lead to flaking and a dull, unhealthy appearance, and it can also cause discomfort during sex. Applying a penis health crème enriched with Shea butter can lock in moisture and smooth away roughness.

Relief from common skin conditions. Many individuals who suffer from severe skin conditions, including eczema or psoriasis, often turn to medicated creams. Guess what’s in those creams? That’s right – Shea butter has natural healing properties that can relieve rash, flaking, dryness, and peeling, even on the delicate penile skin.

Reduction of toughened, keratinized skin. Constant friction against the skin, whether from rubbing against tight clothing or a tight grip, can cause the skin to develop a thick outer layer. This process, known as keratinization, may result in a loss of sensitivity. This can cause the penis to feel numb and lifeless. Applying a lotion containing Shea butter and other moisturizing ingredients can prevent or even reverse desensitization.

What else can you do to improve the penile skin?

Men often take a lax approach to penile care, letting their usual soap or shower gel do the work. However, products meant for the rest of the body aren't always gentle enough for the delicate penile skin. To preserve moisture and maintain vital sensitivity down below, try our complete line of men's intimate care products. Give yourself a boost of confidence with penile skin that is smooth, touchable and responsive!

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